Here is just a few of our accomplishments since 1990
Crestron Total Technology Partner: 1999-Current
Authorized Sony Diamond Dealer: 2016-Current
Vantage Lighting Keynote Speaker 2014
5 Star Rating… Franklin Reports: 2001-Current
“Showroom of the Year”…1999 by AMX
Featured Article… Better Homes & Gardens, 1995
Featured Article… Remodeled Homes Magazine, 1993
USA Today… HDTV Article, 1997
CEDIA Member since 1997
Florida Licensed & Certified Electrical Contractor since 1997
Marantz Award of Distinction 2005-2018
Lutron Elite Dealer Award 1991-2002
Vantage Lighting Silver Award 2003-2014
Featured Article…Sound & Communications Magazine…March 2006
Northshore Home Magazine Company Profile 2004
Model Railroader Magazine Featured Article Touchscreen Controls March 2015